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The send_batch() function allows you to send a list of LLMMessage objects to an API. It routes the input to the appropriate provider-specific batch API function.


  .provider = getOption("tidyllm_sbatch_default"),
  .dry_run = NULL,
  .temperature = NULL,
  .timeout = NULL,
  .top_p = NULL,
  .max_tries = NULL,
  .model = NULL,
  .verbose = NULL,
  .json_schema = NULL,
  .seed = NULL,
  .stop = NULL,
  .frequency_penalty = NULL,
  .presence_penalty = NULL,
  .id_prefix = NULL



A list of LLMMessage objects containing conversation histories.


A function or function call specifying the language model provider and any additional parameters. This should be a call to a provider function like openai(), claude(), etc. You can also set a default provider function via the tidyllm_sbatch_default option.


Logical; if TRUE, simulates the request without sending it to the provider. Useful for testing.


Numeric; controls the randomness of the model's output (0 = deterministic).


Numeric; the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a response.


Numeric; nucleus sampling parameter, which limits the sampling to the top cumulative probability p.


Integer; the maximum number of retries for failed requests.


Character; the model identifier to use (e.g., "gpt-4").


Logical; if TRUE, prints additional information about the request and response.


List; A JSON schema object as R list to enforce the output structure


Integer; sets a random seed for reproducibility.


Character vector; specifies sequences where the model should stop generating further tokens.


Numeric; adjusts the likelihood of repeating tokens (positive values decrease repetition).


Numeric; adjusts the likelihood of introducing new tokens (positive values encourage novelty).


Character string to specify a prefix for generating custom IDs when names in .llms are missing


An updated and named list of .llms with identifiers that align with batch responses, including a batch_id attribute.