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This function reads an audio file and sends it to the Groq transcription API for transcription.


  .model = "whisper-large-v3",
  .language = NULL,
  .prompt = NULL,
  .temperature = 0,
  .api_url = "",
  .dry_run = FALSE,
  .verbose = FALSE,
  .max_tries = 3



The path to the audio file (required). Supported formats include flac, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, m4a, ogg, wav, or webm.


The model to use for transcription (default: "whisper-large-v3").


The language of the input audio, in ISO-639-1 format (optional).


A prompt to guide the transcription style. It should match the audio language (optional).


Sampling temperature, between 0 and 1, with higher values producing more randomness (default: 0).


Base URL for the API (default: "").


Logical; if TRUE, performs a dry run and returns the request object without making the API call (default: FALSE).


Logical; if TRUE, rate limiting info is displayed after the API request (default: FALSE).


Maximum retries to peform request


A character vector containing the transcription.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Basic usage
groq_transcribe(.audio_file = "example.mp3")
} # }