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Extracts token log probabilities from assistant replies within an LLMMessage object. Each row represents a token with its log probability and top alternative tokens.


get_logprobs(.llm, .index = NULL)



An LLMMessage object containing the message history.


A positive integer specifying which assistant reply's log probabilities to extract. If NULL (default), log probabilities for all replies are returned.


A tibble containing log probabilities for the specified assistant reply or all replies.


An empty tibble is output if no logprobs were requested. Currently only works with openai_chat()

Columns include:

  • reply_index: The index of the assistant reply in the message history.

  • token: The generated token.

  • logprob: The log probability of the generated token.

  • bytes: The byte-level encoding of the token.

  • top_logprobs: A list column containing the top alternative tokens with their log probabilities.

See also