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The embed() function allows you to embed a text via a specified provider. It routes the input to the appropriate provider-specific embedding function.


  .provider = getOption("tidyllm_embed_default"),
  .model = NULL,
  .truncate = NULL,
  .timeout = NULL,
  .dry_run = NULL,
  .max_tries = NULL



A character vector of texts v, a list of texts and image objects, or an LLMMessage object


A function or function call specifying the language model provider and any additional parameters. This should be a call to a provider function like openai(), ollama(), etc. You can also set a default provider function via the tidyllm_embed_default option.


The embedding model to use


Whether to truncate inputs to fit the model's context length


Timeout for the API request in seconds


If TRUE, perform a dry run and return the request object.


Maximum retry attempts for requests


A tibble with two columns: input and embeddings. The input column contains the texts sent to embed, and the embeddings column is a list column where each row contains an embedding vector of the sent input.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
c("What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?",
 "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?",
 "How does the brain work?") |>
 } # }