Send LLM Messages to an Azure OpenAI Chat Completions endpoint
This function sends a message history to the Azure OpenAI Chat Completions API and returns the assistant's reply.
.endpoint_url = Sys.getenv("AZURE_ENDPOINT_URL"),
.deployment = "gpt-4o-mini",
.api_version = "2024-08-01-preview",
.max_completion_tokens = NULL,
.reasoning_effort = NULL,
.frequency_penalty = NULL,
.logit_bias = NULL,
.presence_penalty = NULL,
.seed = NULL,
.stop = NULL,
.stream = FALSE,
.temperature = NULL,
.top_p = NULL,
.timeout = 60,
.verbose = FALSE,
.json_schema = NULL,
.max_tries = 3,
.dry_run = FALSE,
.logprobs = NULL,
.top_logprobs = NULL,
.tools = NULL,
.tool_choice = NULL
- .llm
object containing the conversation history.- .endpoint_url
Base URL for the API (default: Sys.getenv("AZURE_ENDPOINT_URL")).
- .deployment
The identifier of the model that is deployed (default: "gpt-4o-mini").
- .api_version
Which version of the API is deployed (default: "2024-08-01-preview").
- .max_completion_tokens
An upper bound for the number of tokens that can be generated for a completion.
- .reasoning_effort
How long should reasoning models reason (can either be "low","medium" or "high").
- .frequency_penalty
Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency.
- .logit_bias
A named list modifying the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion.
- .presence_penalty
Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far.
- .seed
If specified, the system will make a best effort to sample deterministically.
- .stop
Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.
- .stream
If set to TRUE, the answer will be streamed to console as it comes (default: FALSE).
- .temperature
What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values make the output more random.
- .top_p
An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling.
- .timeout
Request timeout in seconds (default: 60).
- .verbose
Should additional information be shown after the API call (default: FALSE).
- .json_schema
A JSON schema object provided by tidyllm schema or ellmer schemata.
- .max_tries
Maximum retries to perform request.
- .dry_run
If TRUE, perform a dry run and return the request object (default: FALSE).
- .logprobs
If TRUE, get the log probabilities of each output token (default: NULL).
- .top_logprobs
If specified, get the top N log probabilities of each output token (0-5, default: NULL).
- .tools
Either a single TOOL object or a list of TOOL objects representing the available functions for tool calls.
- .tool_choice
A character string specifying the tool-calling behavior; valid values are "none", "auto", or "required".